Fall 2024 Privilege & Purpose:
Transformative Retreat for Women


Starting now

Receive & Read Essential Books

Three books we will use as resources.
The following books are considered essential to our program and will be mailed to you upon registration. We ask that you read the chapters listed below BEFORE arriving at the workshop. If you already own these books, please gift any extra copies.
Share your preferred shipping address.
If the address you shared in registration is NOT your preferred shipping address,
please use the button below let us know
your preferences.
The Color of Wealth by Meizhu Lui, Barbara Robles, Betsy Leondar-Wright, Rose Brewer, and Rebecca Adamson

The Color of Wealth 
by Meizhu Lui, Barbara Robles, Betsy Leondar-Wright, Rose Brewer, and Rebecca Adamson

Required reading: Pages 8-13 (Snapshot of 1850s and snapshot of 1950s).
Optional reading: All of CHAPTER 1 (and beyond)
The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love by bell hooks

The Sum of Us:
What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together
by Heather McGhee

Required reading: CHAPTER 1

Optional reading: The introduction (and beyond)

Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World by Janine Firpo

Our Problem, Our Path: Collective Antiracism for White People by Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli

No reading expected before the workshop. We will explore this resource later in the series.

You will also be receiving a course packet that has the assigned chapters as well as a few other resources. If you prefer to use the packet instead of the books, feel free! You do not need to attend to anything in the course packet other than the pre-work listed below. 

Add Workshop Schedule to Your Calendar

Get organized by adding the workshop dates to your calendar! Make it even easier by subscribing to our shared Google Calendar for CLTV Programs. An iCal friendly version is also available.
Weekend Retreat
Location: 50 Malden St, Boston, MA 02118
  • Friday, Nov 15, 9 AM – 5 PM
  • Saturday, Nov 16, 10 AM – 6 PM
  • Sunday, Nov 17, 9 AM – 5 PM
Follow-Up Support Sessions
Location: Online
*Dates updated as of November 8th, 2024
  • Wednesday, Dec 11, 7 PM – 9 PM ET
  • Wednesday, Jan 15, 7 PM – 9 PM ET
  • Optional one-on-one coaching
Day-Long Capstone
Location: 50 Malden St, Boston, MA 02118
  • Sunday, Feb 2, 2025, 9 AM – 5 PM

Note. Street parking available as well as a parking garage 1-minute away at 89 E Dedham St.
STARTING November 4, 2024

Receive Invitation to Start Course

We will be using an online platform called Learn Worlds to support our learning together. Links to resources, worksheets and the few small assignments we will have will be located on the platform. You will receive an invitation in the days before the workshop to log on to Learn Worlds and get oriented. Please keep an eye out for that!
Write your awesome label here.
november 2024

Kickstarting the Workshop

With an In-Person Weekend Retreat from November 15-17th. 

Before the first session please:
1. Receive copies of the three essential books: The Color of Wealth, The Sum of Us, Our Problem, Our Path, along with a physical packet on the sections of these readings before the Weekend Retreat. 
2. Complete the on-boarding survey ASAP
3. Take Class Privilege Quiz - Resource Generation
This is a “quiz,” offered in the spirit of humor and honesty. It’s hard to think about and talk about class, privilege and wealth! Resource Generation created this as a way to help people locate themselves, and to notice the wide range of elements of class privilege. Hold it lightly and see what it makes you feel, think and notice. We borrow it from them as a way to start naming and thinking about ourselves around class.
3. Read chapter 1 of The Sum of Us;
If you are interested in reading the introduction as well, (or any of the rest of the book) for a deeper dive, you are welcome but not expected.
4. Read The Color of Wealth excerpt from Ch 1:
Snapshot of 1850s and snapshot of 1950s (pg. 8-13);
You are only expected to read the excerpted pages (the snapshots); if you want to read the entire first chapter it will give you a deeper basis of understanding. And of course you may read as much of the book as you want!  
6. Write a Journal Reflection (just for you; not to be shared)
  • What led me to participate in the Impact Collective? What am I hoping for my own learning and the effects it will have?
  • What are any concerns or worries I have about the 3 day intensive? 
  • What stood out for me in the knowledge assignments? What questions and thoughts was I left with? What emotions and reactions did I notice coming up for me? 
8. Log onto the online learning platform; and
9. Add workshop schedule to your calendar.

Explore Books in the Curriculum

Additional books are recommended for those who want to go deeper in their learning about racial and economic justice. We have highlighted chapters we find most relevant to the Transformative Retreat experience, but feel free to read as much as interests you.
Support Black-owned businesses.
Please consider supporting Frugal Bookstore, a community bookstore located in Roxbury and the only Black-owned bookstore in Boston. They can order any items that are
not currently in stock.
Frugal Bookstore
57 Warren St, Roxbury, MA 02119
(617) 541-1722
Waking Up White: And Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debby Irving

Waking Up White: And Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debby Irving

CHAPTERS 41, 42, 46

The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather McGhee

The Sum of Us:
What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together
by Heather McGhee

CHAPTERS Introduction, 1–4

White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Dr. Robin DiAngelo

White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Dr. Robin DiAngelo

CHAPTERS 2, 8, 11

Rich White Men: What You Can Do Right Now to Help the Black Community by Garrett Neiman

Rich White Men: What You Can Do Right Now to Help the Black Community by Garrett Neiman

CHAPTERS 1–4, "Ten Actions"

Have questions?

If you have any questions before the workshop starts please reach out to the CLTV team at