The Intensive Workshop—CLTV’s flagship program—is a 9-session course that brings together small cohorts of 6-12 white women with class privilege over the course of 18-20 weeks. The workshop culminates with participants drafting and adopting individual, cohort, and family action commitments and strives to foster an alumni community that endures after the workshop’s completion The Intensive Workshop currently serves cohorts of Boston-area participants. 

"The Intensive Workshop helped me shift from reading and learning about the seemingly insurmountable problems posed by racism in our society to imagining my own role in making progress to fix these problems, and taking concrete actions to do so." 

Janet Nahirny

Intensive Workshop Participant

"The Intensive Workshop was completely paradigm-shifting for me for me because it connected how race affects me in a way that I didn’t have in my lexicon. Without the workshop, I would have been stuck in a disconnected space without understanding how I have participated in the systems that contribute to economic inequity.”


Intensive Workshop Participant

Zoom Sessions

9 two-hour sessions

Independent Coursework

2-4 hours per session



1 hour per session

Cohort Action


3 hours total

Personal Coaching

3 hours total

Participants explore: how the economic system is designed to uphold the racial wealth gap, the disproportionate responsibility of white people within this system, and opportunities to activate their influence and affluence to close the racial wealth gap. Participants meet in small groups between sessions and complete assignments that focus on building the knowledge, courage, and accountability needed to take action with their own capital. Led by a team of peer facilitators, the workshops feature guest speakers such as Chris White, Tiffany Hawkins, Ethan Kerr, and Janine Firpo.

Time Is Running Out to Register for Spring 2024!

Get Started

Participate or Nominate

Theresa M. Ellis

Intensive Workshop Participant

"Participating in the Impact Collective Intensive Workshop has been a gift! Meeting a group of like-minded, wealthy, white women who are committed to taking action to close the racial wealth gap has helped me go even farther in my own work. I am so grateful to have participated, and I would wholeheartedly recommend the experience to other wealthy, white women."  

Register for an Info Session

Join the Impact Collective's founder, Julia Johannsen, workshop facilitators, and alumni of previous workshops. Together they will provide an overview of the workshop, outline what participants can expect, and answer your questions. This is an excellent way to help determine whether it's the right workshop for you.
  • Wed, 4/10 @12 PM ET
  • Wed, 5/15 @8 PM ET
  • Wed, 6/5 @12 PM ET

Express Your Interest

Let us know you are interested in participating in the 9-session Impact Collective Intensive Workshop, designed for white women with class privilege in the greater Boston area. No commitment!

This brief form will provide us the information needed to arrange a more personal meeting.

Nominate Someone

Know someone you think would be a good fit for the Intensive Workshop?
If you know a white women with class privilege who fits the criteria and would benefit from the Intensive Workshop, please nominate them! We will reach out to them personally about our upcoming workshops.

Create a Custom Cohort

Are you already connected to a group of 6 or more women who might be interested in participating in the workshop together? 
Whether the group you have in mind is a collection of friends, a group of colleagues, or members of your family, we can help you bring them together for this shared mission-driven experience.

What’s the Schedule?


Intensive Workshop Participant

"I believe that when you care about something, you really have to take the time to learn, to commit time to actually doing something about it. For me, being part of this workshop really set the time aside to go so much deeper than I had before."

The Intensive Workshop is structured around 9 live Zoom sessions.

These occur at the same time and day of the week. Cohort 7 starts in March 2024 and is scheduled to meet on Thursdays from 6:30–8:30 PM ET.

CLTV7: Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 PM ET

I’m Interested. Now What?

Let us know you are interested in participating. No commitment! 
Our Expression of Interest Form will provide us the basic information needed to arrange a more personal meeting. We can ensure the Intensive Workshop will meet your needs and interests. Registration is on a rolling basis until our spaces are filled.
Registration Process for the Intensive Workshop
Registration is on a rolling basis until our spaces are filled: 
  • Complete Expression of Interest form 
  • Complete Informational Interview and receive Registration form
  • Week of March 7, 2024: Workshop begins

Learn More


Intensive Workshop Participant

“I have done a lot of reading and thinking in professional and philanthropic spheres. But not as much of the hard work of thinking about my family, my town, my friends, my real peers—which is in some ways the hardest group to think about speaking your truth to. The Workshop gave me the tools to really reflect, to know what I'm doing and where I can be doing better for myself and for my community. My experience was really, really positive, really excellent and I am just filled with gratitude. It's was better than I could ever have anticipated.”

Is It Right for Me?

The Intensive Workshop is designed for white women with class privilege who are looking to better understand the role access to capital plays in our current racial disparities, eager to align their wealth to their values, and are looking for a like-minded community. 

  • You and/or your family have more financial resources than you need to thrive;
  • You know that racism is a real issue that is causing real problems;
  • You have been troubled by your understanding of systemic racism in America but you’re not sure what to do about it;
  • You would like to meet other white women who also want to take meaningful action to do something about racism;
  • You feel like you’ve read and listened to everything you can find about race and racism and you’re not sure what to do next.

How Is It Organized?

The Intensive Workshop—CLTV’s flagship program—is a 9-session course that brings together small cohorts of 6-12 Boston-area participants over the course of 18-20 weeks. The Workshop is divided into 9 live and asynchronous sessions, segmented into 3 topical sections, designed and facilitated by content experts. The workshop culminates with participants drafting and adopting individual, cohort, and family action commitments and strives to foster an alumni community that endures after the workshop’s completion.



Action Assignments

What’s the Cost?

We believe it is essential for workshop participants to invest in their own growth, begin to acknowledge their wealth in relation to others, and account for the value of the workshop experience.

We have individual fee options to accommodate different people. All levels offer:

  • 9 two-hour live sessions with two facilitators;
  • 4 expert guest lecturers;
  • 3 hours of personal coaching;
  • Countless educational and tactical resources and tools;
  • Community of like-minded peers.

Read our FAQs if you are contemplating which tier is right for you.