The Intensive Workshop—CLTV’s flagship program—is a 9-session course that brings together small cohorts of 6-12 white women with class privilege over the course of 18-20 weeks. The workshop culminates with participants drafting and adopting individual, cohort, and family action commitments and strives to foster an alumni community that endures after the workshop’s completion. The Intensive Workshop currently serves cohorts of Boston-area participants.

Zoom Sessions

9 two-hour sessions

Independent Coursework

2-4 hours per session



1 hour per session

Cohort Action


3 hours total

Fee Tiers 

We have created individual fee tiers to support accessibility to our workshop. We recognize that even among women with wealth and class privilege, some still have barriers to capital access. We want all women who are interested in the Intensive Workshop to be able to participate, regardless of whether they have limited discretion over or access to their capital or wealth. 
All tiers offer: 
  • 9 two-hour live sessions with two facilitators
  • 4 expert guest lecturers 
  • 3 hours of personal coaching
  • 3 essential books mailed to your preferred address
  • Countless educational and tactical resources and tools
  • Community of like-minded peers
The Advocate tier of $3,500 reflects the actual cost to deliver the workshop.
Please select the highest tier you feel comfortable with. In making this determination, we ask you to reflect on your wealth in relation to others, account for the value of the workshop experience, and consider the investment in your personal education and growth.

Ally $1,500

Accessible to women with less discretion over annual spending, those who expect to inherit wealth in the future, and/or younger women who are beginning their careers and wealth-building.

Advocate $3,500

The actual per-person cost to deliver the workshop. Appropriate for women who are able to commit to the full cost of the Intensive Workshop without negotiating for this sort of discretionary spending.

Activist $8,000

Appropriate for women who are ready to fully invest in their own growth and development as change agents as well as in the growth and development of the Impact Collective.

Payment & Terms

Before submitting your name and payment, you will be asked to agree to our Confidentiality Agreement, Cancellation Policy, Terms & Conditions.

The estimated fair market value of the Intensive Workshop is $3,500. The amount of your contribution that is deductible for federal income tax purposes is limited to the amount by which your contribution exceeds the value of goods or services provided by the Impact Collective, a project of Philanthropy Massachusetts.
Cancellation Policy: Payment is taken at the time of registration. If Impact Collective cancels the program or if you cancel your registration more than 60 days before the program start date, you will receive a refund of 100% of your payment. If you cancel your registration fewer than 60 days before the program start date, you will receive a credit of 75% of your payment to be used toward a future Impact Collective program or as a charitable contribution to support Impact Collective’s charitable purposes.