The Impact Collective is constantly learning, growing, and adapting. As a result these resources are subject to change and evolve over time. We hope you find them useful in your efforts to close the racial wealth gap.

Key Texts

Impact Collective programming offers an overview of the history of how the American economic system has created the racial wealth gap and of how the current economic system operates. We strongly encourage participants of all of our programs to read or listen to the following essential Key Texts in their entirety in order to better understand the full picture of how racism operates in the social and economic systems in America. 

The Color of Wealth 
by Meizhu Lui, Barbara Robles, Betsy Leondar-Wright, Rose Brewer and Rebecca Adamson
The Will to Change:
Men, Masculinity, and Love by Bell Hooks
Activate Your Money: 
Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World
by Janine Firpo

Recommended for those who are beginning their racial and economic justice education or otherwise want to go deeper in their learning: 

The Sum of Us:
What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together 
by Heather McGhee
Waking up White:
And Finding Myself in the Story of Race
Debby Irving
A Letter to My White
Friends and Colleagues
by Steven Rogers
White Fragility: 
Why It's So Hard for
White People to Talk About Racism
by Dr. Robin DiAngelo
Systemic Racism 101
by Aminah Pilgrim
Bonus book! In summer 2023, our partner, Garrett Neiman, published his most recent book that we highly recommend!
Rich White Men:
What it Takes to Uproot
the Old Boys’ Club and
Transform America
by Garrett Neiman

Support Black-Owned Business

Please consider supporting Frugal Bookstore, a community bookstore located in Roxbury and the only Black-owned bookstore in Boston. They can order any items that are not currently in stock.

Action Planning Resources

Outline Your Levers of Influence

Explore & Plan
Understand Impact Areas & 
Alignment of Influence, Values & Priorities

Commit to Actions that Align Your Influence, Values & Priorities

Take Concrete Actions & Monitor Impact 

 Key Terms & Concepts
A reference sheet of key terms & concepts to start your action planning journey.
 Systems Change

A resource that explains the process of system changes and examples.

 Dominant White Culture Characteristics

Examples of white qualities in dominant and how to change dialogue to lead to racial healing.  

 Personal Story of Racial Awareness
A worksheet that can be used to craft your personal Story of Racial Awareness. Use the metaphor in the text to complete the worksheet.
 Antiracist Style Indicator

Source: Deborah L. Plummer

Take this antiracist self-assessment tool to determine how effectively you work to dismantle racism in systems and within yourself.

 Spheres of Influence
Use the document to brainstorm and then fill out the table. Take a look at an example on the document for guidance and inspiration.
  Stakeholder & Ally Mapping
After you have completed the Wealth Pools & Partners worksheet, use this exercise to dive deeper into the ecosystem of stakeholders related to your wealth and to identify your allies in your journey to reduce the racial wealth gap. 
 Class Distinctions and Income Brackets

Source: Resource Generation

This resource will help you identify your class experience(s).

 Core Values 
Explore, draft, and commit to the core values that will guide decision-making, whether for you, your Group, or your family.
  Core Values List
Use these values to guide your conversations and action planning.
 Your Why

Use this worksheet to outline your why throughout your journey.

 Road Map for Aligning Wealth to Values
This guide offers an approach for you (and your spouse or partner) to align your wealth and investments to your values.

 Action Planning Overview

The Impact Collective has developed materials to support action planning to align your wealth to your values in our mission to close the racial wealth gap.

 Steven Rogers’ 4 Action Recommendations

The following recommendations and supporting information are taken from Steven Rogers’s book A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues (2021).

 Recommendations for Philanthropy

This document shares CLTV’s recommendations for philanthropy. It is grounded in tenets of Social Justice Philanthropy, which approaches philanthropy with a focus on investing in entities and activities that address root causes of social, racial and economic injustices. 

 Social Justice Philanthropy Principles

Source: Resource Generation
Resource Generation seeks to be a connector between social justice organizing and philanthropy, and to transform the philanthropic sector towards redistribution rather than charity. These principles help inform how giving can be done in line with social justice values. 

 Redistribution Guidelines

Source: Resource Generation
Resource Generation is working toward a vision in which wealth, land, and power are equitably shared. Achieving this vision requires systemic cultural, policy, and institutional shifts, reparations, and a radical reimagining of society. Look at the website for more information.

 Updated Fundraising Policy and Definition of Wealth

Source: Resource Generation
Resource Generation outlines the definition of wealth specifically young people with wealth and updated fundraising policies. 

 Guide to Making an Impact Without Capital

Source: Chris White

This document explains the opportunities to make an impact without capital.

 JEDI Lens Opportunities for Investing and Philanthropy

This document contains some examples of JEDI lens opportunities for investing in every asset class. 

 Interpersonal & Institutional Impact Opportunities

This document contains a guide of how to practice and prepare for interventions, whether in interpersonal or Institutional contexts.

 Wealth Pools & Partners

A worksheet to help track your pools of wealth, your priorities for your wealth, and the partners you employ to manage your wealth. Duplicate this worksheet for your own purposes.

 Wealth Pools & Partners Example

This is a completed example, for reference, of the:

 Possible Partners

This is a list of the types of partners you might employ to manage your wealth and support your lifestyle. Use this to help you draft your own list using:


Use this document to track your expenses.

 Wealth Priorities & Impact Statement

Use this document to clarify your chosen Investment Impact Areas, draft an Investment Impact Statement that summarizes and reflects your intentions, and ultimately facilitate the values-alignment of your portfolio. Duplicate all pages of this worksheet for your own purposes.

 Group / Cohort Action Planning

This document supports the development of a group action plan to be outlined in the Group/Cohort Action Commitment, where you can also see an example Group/Cohort Action Commitment for reference. Duplicate this document to personalize it for yourself.

  Combined Investment Info & Wealth Pools/Partners

Use this document to outline and reflect on your current investment portfolio, track your pools of wealth, key stakeholders for each, and partners you employ to manage your wealth and lifestyle. Duplicate this document to personalize it for yourself. 

 Individual Action Commitment

This document serves as a summary overview of your commitments. Duplicate it for yourself so it can be customized, saved, and referred to going forward.
 Group/Cohort Action Commitment
This document serves as a summary overview of your Group or Cohort's action plans and commitments. Duplicate it for yourself so it can be customized, saved, and referred to going forward.

 Family Action Commitment

This Family Action Commitment document is applicable to workshop participants who are married or living in a committed relationship with a partner with whom you share finances. You can also utilize this Family Action Commitment with other family members with whom you share financial or asset decision-making.

 Action Checklist
This checklist is a one-stop reference for the essential work and actions you will take over the course of the Impact Collective Workshop. Print a copy to keep in your journal for reference.
 Action Work Plans
This document can help you outline your action work plan utilizing the   Diversified Hiring Action Plan
 Diversified Hiring Action Plan
This document can be used to create a personalized plan for yourself and relevant partners. Duplicate this worksheet for your own use.
 Wealth Directory & Referrals
This directory is intended to provide our community with an up-to-date list of BIPOC and values-aligned professionals who work in the high net wealth management sphere. We are constantly updating it.
 Favorite Resources
Duplicate this worksheet to create a personalized resource document for yourself and to share with others.
Use this document to track your spending habits in order to be able to make new spending decisions that prioritize race equity.
 Investment Policy Statement
This worksheet is a version of Invest for Better’s Investment Policy Statement workbook. It is a space for you to clarify your Investment Policy Statement with your investment/financial advisor to facilitate the values-alignment of your portfolio. Copy and paste all pages of this worksheet for your own purposes.
 Investment Portfolio Information
Use this worksheet to Investigate how your investments are managed, who manages them, and how your investment portfolio is allocated. This worksheet is a space for you to take notes about your investment portfolio.
 Investment Portfolio Information Example

This document shows an examples of how to writes out you investment portfolio.

 Addressing Resistance

Use this document to prepare for, address, and respond to resistance.

 Response and Rebuttal: Aligning Wealth to Values

Use this document to explore possible responses to people who are resistant to  or uninformed about aligning wealth to values

 Personal Impact Summary
This worksheet is a space for you to gather all of the guiding principles you have crafted using the Road Map to align your wealth to your values. Duplicate all pages of this worksheet for your own purposes.
 Impact Tracking

Use this spreadsheet to track your impact investing.

 CLTV Lifestyle Directory & Referrals

This directory is intended to provide our community with an up-to-date list of BIPOC and professionals and business owners. We are constantly updating it.