Initial Research & Learning


Developed Strategy & Approach
Joined by nonprofit consultant Kelly Sherman to help define the organization's mission, theory of change and approach. Kelly stayed on to help build the organizational infrastructure and team, and support strategic growth.
Launched First Intensive Workshop
Launched the first Intensive Workshop pilot in collaboration with seven other women, also known as CLTV1 (02/01/2021 – 06/01/2021). An additional 10-person cohort of the Intensive Workshop followed: CLTV2 (10/01/2021 – 02/01/2022). Both workshops were conducted virtually and facilitated by Julia. 
Launched Communications
Launched the Impact Collective website and monthly newsletter.
Celebrated Community
Closed the year by convening and celebrating our quickly growing and cross-racial community, including alumni from the first two Intensive Workshop cohorts, our community of advisors, and our nascent team.


Convened Our Advisors
Kicked off the new year by convening advisors who were especially vital in shaping the organization's early vision and first year. Among others, these included Maicharia Weir Lytle, Tammy Tai, Chris White, Dune Thorne, Ellen Remmer, Kathleen McQuiggan, Anthony S. Kendall, Imari K. Paris Jeffries, Tiffany Hawkins, Bithiah Carter, Mercy Bell, and OluwaTosin Adegbola Richard.
Conducted Additional Intensive Workshops
Launched two more cohorts of the 9-session Intensive Workshop, CLTV3 and CLTV4. An alum of CLTV1 joined Julia to co-facilitate the 11-person CLTV3, and 6-person CLTV4 was our first cohort of women from Generation Z and younger. Both workshops were hosted virtually (02/01/2022 - 06/01/2022).
Piloted a Variation of the Intensive Workshop
Partnered with facilitator Janese Murray and the organization Invest for Better to offer a remote three-session course Introduction to the Racial Wealth Gap to a group of 22 women from their cross-racial community of women investors.
Tested a Range of Guest Workshops
Explored a range of workshop formats, styles, and topics.
  • Shay Stewart Bouley and Debby Irving's  conversation Tell Me the Truth: Exploring the Heart of Cross-Racial Conversations engaged a virtual audience of nearly 200 people (03/29/22).
  • Ken Rogers led a two-session in-person workshop series, Surviving a Bear Attack: Strategies about Difficult Conversations about Race (04/08/22, 15 white women).
  • Elizabeth Aeschlimann facilitated an intimate home-hosted workshop for 4 white women, Finding Ourselves: The Lineage of White Women & Racial Justice.
Launched Recurring Information Sessions
Launched the first of our regularly recurring info sessions, which serve as an open invitation to meet the Impact Collective team, learn about our programs, and have questions answered.
Refined Curriculum
Collaborated with consultants Farron Harvey, Jerdrema Flynt, and Lisa Graustein to conduct a targeted Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice review of our curriculum. Based on their recommendations, we collaborated with consultant and CLTV5 workshop facilitator Elizabeth Aeschlimann to evolve the curriculum. 
Grew Our Team
Hired three full-time team members and two interns. The team growth focused on supporting communications, outreach, and engagement.
Explored Business Model Options
Collaborated with nonprofit development consultant Lori Smith Britton to explore a range of organizational business models. As of October 2024, over 99% of the organization's expenses to date have been funded through Julia Johannsen's personal contributions.


Delivered More Intensive Workshops and Guest Workshops
  • Intensive Workshop CLTV5 (11 white women, 01/24/23 – 05/30/23).
  • Intensive Workshop CLTV6 (8 white women, 10/10/2023 – 02/18/2024). 
  • Deborah Frieze facilitated an in-person guest workshop, Investing to Close the Racial Wealth Divide (02/07/23 18 white women and 2 white men).
  • Katya Smyth facilitated another in-person guest workshop, The Intersection of Wellbeing, Wealth, and Identity. (10/24/23 ~10 white women).
Launched Individual Coaching
Initiated the use of one-on-one coaching, first as a follow-on offering to our Intensive Workshop experience, then as an option open to all alumni, and finally as an additional component of our Intensive Workshop.
Piloted a Series of House Parties
Raised awareness of the Impact Collective by engaging nearly 100 people in discussion about our mission, through three house parties, generously hosted by Intensive Workshop alumni and friends of the Impact Collective (44 white women, 09/12/23; 33 white women, 10/20/23; 14 white women, 01/11/24).


Amplifying Alumni Voices
Published Alumni testimonials on the website. These testimonials offer authenticity and inspire trust, building deeper connections with the community.
Growing the team 
Introduced 3 more team members 1 Full-Time and 2 Contracted. They are essential in streamlining in the Operations, LearnWorld Curriculum, and Human Resources sectors to advance the organization as a whole.
Launched the Collective Conversations Series
Introducing this initiative in April, the series fosters deeper discussions on impactful topics, such as investment into the racial wealth gap which is mission and vision aligned.
  • Diversify Your Investment Teams to Boost Performance and Impact (April 5th, 2024)
  • Applying a Racial Equity Lens Across Asset Classes (May 3rd, 2024)
  • Bringing White Men Into The Work: A Conversation with WMRJ (June 7th, 2024) | The largest amount of participants
  • BECMA’s Sustainability Hub & Community Investment (September 6th, 2024)
  • Closing the Racial Wealth Gap Through Direct Cash Giving (October 4th, 2024)
  • A Conversation with Garrett Neiman (November 1st, 2024)
  • From Isolation to Interdependence (December 6th, 2024)
First Alumni Dinner
Invited fellow Alumni to a dinner to connect with them and check in. Essential in making sure we are keeping our network active and engaged so that when ready to take action they are open and prepared.
Team Workshops / In-Person Meetings
  • On 5/30/24 the team came together to discuss Journey Mapping to better understand where to meet our audience and find a way to engage them at that level. Allows the opportunity to rethink strategy and programing.
  • On 12/04/24 we gathered for Q4 to establish goals for the next year as well as reflecting on the year that has passed. Allows us to see where we can improve in the organization.
Social Media Engagement
Began posting more on Linkedin which helped generate engagement on the website and show the work that we are doing and why it is important.
Launched Online Curriculum Platform
Developed and launched curriculum on Learnworld to enhance accessibility and engagement for participants in the Intensive Workshop and other programs, providing resources to support participants in aligning their wealth with their values. Shows the organization as a credible resource for information on the RWG.
Ruth Shaber Event
Dr. Ruth Shaber hosted an inspiring lunch and book talk, sharing her journey from physician to change-maker and discussing her book, The XX Edge. The discussion was facilitated by Julia. The event brought together Impact Collective community members, The Diverse Investing Collective, Invest for Better members, and Trillium clients and team members to explore how women's involvement in financial decision-making leads to better outcomes. Attendees engaged in meaningful discussions, and were eager to read or reread the book and left feeling inspired by the insights shared. The event helped us to push our mission and vision but also form new connections.
P&P: A Transformative Retreat for Women
Launched a retreat that is the cornerstone of a 3-part series was an in-person weekend retreat held in November, designed to guide participants from awareness to action and empower them to align their resources with their values. Within a community of white women dedicated to learning together, attendees explored the complexities of race and money—and how to drive meaningful action. Through a range of modalities, including historical and contextual learnings, group dialogue, and personal reflection, participants gained tools to make a tangible impact and promote equity. This transformative experience provided support, accountability, and a shared vision for a more just society. The program helped us to see where we can meet people at and the best way to inform them.
Couples Workshop
Julia Johannsen was joined by Ethan Kerr, for a special 2-part guest workshop experience. The two sessions offered a unique opportunity to explore some of the challenges and opportunities faced by couples seeking to align their wealth with their values. Participants explored their relationship dynamics through lenses of race and gender and considered the implications of their partnerships and their impact on the world. This event shows us pushing beyond WWW because we are now bringing the husband to the conversation.
BECMA Campaign
Raised $396K as of 12/12/2024
The Impact Collective (CLTV) community took bold steps to empower Black businesses, champion environmental justice, and invigorate the local economy. Together, they partnered with the Black Economic Council of Massachusetts (BECMA) to bring their vision to life: the BECMA Sustainability Hub, a new headquarters in Roxbury. This shows that the Impact Collective is not only teaching but also taking action steps to help with the RWG by supporting black organizations.
Community Groups
These groups provide a space where resources and discussion can take place beyond the regular programing which provides the opportunity for deeper connections. 
  • First CLTV Affinity Group
  • Alumni Google Group